On Wednesday, 30th December,2020 Dr M.P. Philip, Former Head, Department of Economics, SB College, Changanacherry, delivered an invited lecture on the topic ‘Banks as Mediators of Economic Stimulus: The Case of India in times of the Pandemic’. All students of the department participated.
Effacing a Culture of Extinction: Exploration of Green Philosophies and Representations
The Department of English in collaboration with The Kerala State Higher Education Council organized an online International Lecture Series ‘Effacing a Culture of Extinction: Exploration of Green Philosophies and Representations’ from 29-11-2020 to 01-12-2020. Dr R Michael Fisher, Founder-Director, In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute and The Fearology Institute, University of British Columbia, and Adjunct Faculty in Werklund School of […]
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