The Department of History conducted a department level quiz competition named “Satyagraha Goals”, to celebrate the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahtma Gandhi, on the 1st of October 2019. The Quiz was lead by Quiz Master Prof. K M Vishnu Namboodiri. Five teams took part in the event. The department had decided to award the winner with a Football […]

Chemistry – Annual Orientation Programme 2019-2020
Department of Chemistry, Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla, , organized the 5th Annual Orientation Programme for Chemistry Students, sponsored by Dr. Maries Idicula and Prof. Soma John, on 19th September 2019 at the Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall. Dr. Ajith James Jose, St. Berchmans (Autonomous) College, Changanassery was the resource person. This was a one day induction programme, designed to inspire students […]

Toppers in PG Programmes 2017-19

Bridge Course in Electrodynamics
Department of Physics, Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla, as a part of its Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, has organised a Bridge Course in Electrodynamics, in association with the Academy of Physics Teachers Kerala on 30th and 31st August 2019. Bridge courses are designed to fill the apparent gap between undergraduate and post-graduate courses. Topics in the latest PG syllabus are discussed, with a specific […]

National Conference on Advances in Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology
Department of Physics, Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla, as a part its Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, organized the National Conference on ‘Advances in Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology’ on 6th and 7th August 2019 at the Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall. Prof. P. J. Kurien, Former Deputy Speaker, Rajya Sabha, inaugurated the conference. Prof. Pulickel M. Ajayan (Rice University, USA), Prof. M. R. Anantharaman, ( […]

Missing gamma ray puzzle solved: Alumni Achievement
Dr. Reju Sam John (M. Sc. Physics 2004-2006) is a leading member of the team from IUCAA, Pune that revealed the process of production of cosmic rays in galaxy clusters and solved the long-standing puzzle of non-detection of Gamma Rays from them. Read more:

Chat With an Archaeologist
The Department of History organized its most awaited event on the 10th of July, named “Chat With an Archaeologist”. The interactive session cum lecture was organized in the Seminar Hall. The gathering was welcomed by Smt. Kripa Das (Joint Secretary, History Association) and was the meeting was presided over by Prof. Agney GK (President, History Association and Assistant Professor, Department […]

Career Counseling : Department of History
The Department of History offered a counseling programme (9th July) to it’s students on the 9th of July. The meeting was presided over by Prof. Rani M Paul. The session on “Alternate Career Options for Social Science Students” was handled by veteran Career Counselor Mr. Bounsally.

Convocation of Academic Enrichment Programme : Department of History
Convocation Ceremony of the Academic Enrichment Course offered by the Department of History titled “Short Term Course in Tourism and Heritage Management” was held at the College Media Center at 3.30 P.M. The Ceremony was inaugurated by Prof. (Dr) M O Koshy, former Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Kannur University. The meeting was presided over by our respected Principal Dr. Icy K John. Lt. […]