The Botany Association organized a skill enhancement programme for selected students where a hands on training on essential oil extraction was conducted. The training session was led by Dr. Lakshmi M., Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, NSS College, Changanassery. Dr. Lakshmi introduced different types of essential oil extraction in detail to the participants and gave an outline of the advantages […]
Cottage meeting and fellowship – MTSA
A cottage meeting and fellowship was organized under the auspices of the MTSA at the residence of Prof. Thomas Mathew, Retired Faculty, Department of Botany on 29th October, 2024 from 3.30 pm to 5 pm to facilitate peer group interaction and experience sharing.
Gateway to Financial Freedom
The commerce department in collaboration with the Hedge school of Applied Economics hosted an insightful program titled Gateway to financial freedom in order to introduce the students to the fundamentals of stock trading.

Administrative Training Programme – IQAC
The IQAC conducted an Administrative Training Programme, ‘Empowering Office Staff: Mastering 4-Year UG Programme Operations,’ on October 26 for the benefit of office staff. Dr. K.M. Vishnu Namboodiri, Master Trainer, Mahatma Gandhi University UG Programme, served as the resource person. A total of 15 members participated in the workshop.

Investor Awareness Programme – Economics
An Investor Awareness Programme was conducted by the Economics Association on 25th October 2024 at 1:30 pm in the College Seminar Hall. Mr. Subith Subrahmanian, SEBI Empaneled Securities Market Trainer delivered the keynote address on Financial Awareness. Prof. Anoop Koshy George, the Head of the Department of Economics presided over the session.
Water Analysis Camp
The Department of Biosciences conducted a Water Analysis Camp on 24th October 2024. The one-day camp was aimed at testing local water quality, raising awareness about water-related issues, and fostering community participation in the quest for clean water and sanitation.
Yoga Sessions
As part of IQAC and IKS Forum’s weekly wellness initiative, yoga sessions were held on October 3, 10 & 24, in the Mini Conference Hall, led by Dr. K. M. Vishnu Namboodiri.
Zumba Sessions
The session aimed to improve participants’ strength and flexibility, using controlled movements and stretches. Exercises targeted muscle control, balance, and coordination.With 9 participants, the group maintained high enthusiasm throughout. Engagement was strong, with each individual showing noticeable progress in flexibility as the session advanced. Trainers and participants involved include Neema Susan Mathews and Participants1.Dr. Neema Susan Mathews2.Dr. Josmin P Jose3.Anu […]
Quizzards Series VIII
The College Library and IQAC hosted Quizzards Series VIII on October 22 at 1:00 pm. The quiz, focusing on current affairs from October 1-15, was conducted by Dr. Sumayya Abdul Rahim, Department of Botany. A total of 8 students participated in the event