• 0469 2630342
  • principal@marthomacollege.org
  • Kuttapuzha P. O., Tiruvalla, Kerala, India. PIN 689 103

MTSA Christmas Carol

Spreading the good tidings of the season to the community, the members of the MTSA, Mar Thoma College are heralding the remembrance of the birth of the King. MTSA Christmas Carol rounds will be held on 12 th December, 5 pm onwards.

MTSA Carol Service

JMM Jubilee Mandiram, Anaprambal

The MTSA Carol Service will be held at the JMM Jubilee Mandiram, Anaprambal 16th December, 2024 at 2 pm. The proceeds of the MTSA door to door caroling will be donated to the institution.