• 0469 2630342
  • principal@marthomacollege.org
  • Kuttapuzha P. O., Tiruvalla, Kerala, India. PIN 689 103

Mathematics- the Queen and Servant of Science

The Department of Mathematics organised a one day seminar on Application of Mathematics in Research on 5th July 2019. Dr. K I Koshy former Dean of Agricultural University delivered the lecture on “Mathematics- the Queen and Servant of Science”. 

Trends in Brain Research

The Zoology Association Inauguration program was held on 9 th July 2019. Dr. Icy K John, Principal, MarThoma College, presided over the function. Dr. Roshni Christo, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Baylor Collegeof Medicine, Huston, USA was the chief guest and delivered a talk on ‘Trends in Brain Research’.