• 0469 2630342
  • principal@marthomacollege.org
  • Kuttapuzha P. O., Tiruvalla, Kerala, India. PIN 689 103

College Students Union – Oath Taking

On 21st October 2024 college union have officially taken the oath in front of all the students and teachers. Our college principal administered the oath to the chairperson and the chairperson for the remaining union members.As a remarkable event and achievement the union planted a mango sapling in the open air space near the stage.

Round Table with Alumnus

The Postgraduate and Research Department of Chemistry, Mar Thoma Colege, Tiruvalla conducted the “Round Table with Alumnus” talk-2 on 21st October 2024. This event aimed to connect current students with experienced professionals in the field of Chemistry. Mr. Navin Raj Abraham, Director, Deccan Fine chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. Goa, an esteemed alumnus of our college addressed the students.Mr. Navin Raj […]

OBE Workshop on “Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) Evaluation Process and Internal Marking System”

The OBE Workshop on “Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) Evaluation Process and Internal Marking System” was held on October 18, 2024, at 02.30 PM in the Seminar Hall, Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma Memorial Golden Jubilee Block. Dr. K.M. Vishnu Namboodiri, Master Trainer, Mahatma Gandhi University, expertly guided faculty members through interactive sessions, covering key aspects of CCA and Internal Marking System. […]

Nature Education Field Visit

A group of 28 students and three teachers went to Konni forest reserve for a nature education field visit. It included a 6km trekking inside the reserve forest, Adavi Ecoturism and Konni Elephant cage. The program was conducted in collaboration with the Social Forestry Division , Pathanamthitta district of Kerala Forest Department.

World Food Day

The World Food Day was celebrated on 16 October 2024 organized by Botany Association. An awareness programme, film show and food festival was organized in the College campus . A Short Film Exhibition was organised in the Media Centre for the students of the Department at 10.00am. The technical session was organised at 11:00 am on the theme “Right to […]

Tata Tribute Series

The Department of Commerce hosted a Tata tribute series in memory of the late Ratan Tata. Based on this a competition was conducted that included a quiz, game and talk.

Ethnic Day

ELA in Collaboration with PG FORUM successfully organized an Ethnic Day Celebration on October 15, 2024 which featured a guest lecture by renowned Tibetan poet Tenzin Tsundue. Students from the department organised a fashion show showcasing traditional attire from various Indian states, highlighting the diversity and richness of Indian culture.

Bhoomithrasena Club activities – Inauguration

The Bhoomithrasena Club activities for the year 2024-25 was inaugurated on Oct 15, 2024 by Sri. Ajai K.R (Programme Officer, Suchitwa mission, Pathanamthitta Dist. ). The programme was presided over by Dr. Mathew Varkey T.K (Principal, Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla). Mrs. Reethu Mariah Jacob (Faculty-in-charge, BMC) welcomed the gathering. Mr. Manesh Jacob, Teacher representative to the Governing Council of college […]

Writing Ethnicity, Culture, Identity – Meet the Author – Tenzin Tsundue

The programme commenced with a prayer song. Dr. Neema Susan Mathews, President of the PG Forum, welcomed the gathering. Beksy Prasad from I MA introduced the esteemed speaker, Mr. Tenzin Tsundue, Tibetan author and activist, highlighting his remarkable achievements. Mr. Tenzin Tsundue delivered a captivating talk from sharing autobiographical insights into Tibetan culture, social and political issues. His passion and […]