• 0469 2630342
  • principal@marthomacollege.org
  • Kuttapuzha P. O., Tiruvalla, Kerala, India. PIN 689 103
Bethlehem Rhapsody

Bethlehem Rhapsody

The Christmas Carol Service of our college “Bethlehem Rhapsody” was held on 19th December at 2.30pm in College Chapel. The chief guest of the service was Rt. Rev Dr. Thomas Samuel , Bishop Emeritus, CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese. The College Choir sang 6 carols including the traditional O Come All Ye Faithful and Silent Night. The college choir comprised of 42 students led by Dr. Antu Annam Thomas (Choir convener). Principal delivered the presidential address. Staff Choir comprising of 40 staff sang 2 carols. Thomas Samuel Thirumeni blessed the gathering with his message. The carol service came to an end by 4.30 pm followed by a cup of coffee and Christmas cake. During the period Mr. Noel Dan Bijoy (II BA English) served as secretary and Miss. Rimi Merin Mathew (III BA English) as Joint Secretary.