Dr Varughese Mathew
Dr. Varughese Mathew
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Associate professor of Mathematics & Principal
Research Guide
Qualified CSIR-UGC Eligibility test for JRF and Lecturership
Email: varughesemathewmtc@gmail.com
Papers presented in Seminars / Conferences/ Workshop |
1. Conference on “Recent Trends in Graph Theory and Combinatorics”, ICRTGC-2010 held at Dept. of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, during 12th -15th August 2010. |
2. Conference on Science, Engineering Technology & Management (ICSETM-2017) held at K.E. College, Mannanam on 8th and 9th March 2017. |
3. National seminar on “Discrete Mathematics & Applications” held at M.E.S Asmabi College, Kodungallur on 20th and 21st September 2011. |
4. Platinum Jubilee 75th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society held at National Centre for Advanced Research Centre in Discrete Mathematics, Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil during 27-30, 2009. |
5. National Conference on Recent Trends in Fuzzy and Discrete Mathematics held at Dept. of Mathematics, Union Christian College during November 19-21, 2009. |
6. 9th Annual Conference of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society held 17th-19th May 1994 at Dept. of Mathematics, University of Kerala. |
7. Special Symposium on “Approximation Theory and its Applications” held at University of Madras during 26-31,1993. |
Sl No | Title | Journal | Issue & Pages | Year |
1. | A Note on Hypercyclic Operators on the Space of Entire Sequences | Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 25(11):1181-1184 | November 1994 |
2. | The fractional metric dimension of graphs | Discrete Mathematics. | 312, 1584-1590 | 2012 |
3. | Fractional Distance Domination in Graphs | Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory | 32, 449-459 | 2012 |
4. | On Fractional Metric Dimension of Graphs | Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications | 5(4) | 2013 |
5. | A Short Survey: Metric Dimension of Graphs | Proceedings of the U.G.C sponsored National Conference on Modern Trends in Algebraic Graph Theory, N.S.S College, Eramallikara | ISBN:978-81-925229-7-5, Page 58-69 | March 2015 |
6. | Convexity of Minimal Resolving Functions in Graphs | Rational Discourse | Vol. 24 No. 1 | 2018 |
7. | Fractional Y-domination in Bipartite Graphs | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) | 8(3) | 2020 |
8. | Universal Minimal Resolving Functions in Graphs | International Journal of Mathematics and its Applications | 8(1), 231-237 | 2020 |
9. | The Minimal Resolving Energy of a graph | International Journal of Mathematics and its Applications | 8(1), 239-246 | 2020 |
10. | A Note on Supercyclic Operators | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | 9(4), 1962-1965 | 2020 |
11. | On Hypercyclic Operators | International Journal of Mathematics and Technology | 66(4), 172-176 | 2020 |
12. | On Minimum Resolving Energy of a Graph | Aegaeum Journal | 8(5), 803-810 | 2020 |