• 0469 2630342
  • principal@marthomacollege.org
  • Kuttapuzha P. O., Tiruvalla, Kerala, India. PIN 689 103

Dr Varughese Mathew

Dr. Varughese Mathew
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D

Associate professor of Mathematics & Principal

Research Guide
Qualified CSIR-UGC Eligibility test for JRF and Lecturership

Email: varughesemathewmtc@gmail.com

Papers presented in Seminars / Conferences/ Workshop
1. Conference on “Recent Trends in Graph Theory and Combinatorics”, ICRTGC-2010 held at Dept. of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, during 12th -15th August 2010.
2. Conference on Science, Engineering Technology & Management (ICSETM-2017) held at K.E. College, Mannanam on 8th and 9th March 2017.
3. National seminar on “Discrete Mathematics & Applications” held at M.E.S Asmabi College, Kodungallur on 20th and 21st September 2011.
4. Platinum Jubilee 75th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society held at National Centre for Advanced Research Centre in Discrete Mathematics, Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil during 27-30, 2009.
5. National Conference on Recent Trends in Fuzzy and Discrete Mathematics held at Dept. of Mathematics, Union Christian College during November 19-21, 2009.
6. 9th Annual Conference of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society held 17th-19th May 1994 at Dept. of Mathematics, University of Kerala.
7. Special Symposium on “Approximation Theory and its Applications” held at University of Madras during 26-31,1993.


Sl No Title Journal Issue & Pages Year
1. A Note on Hypercyclic Operators on the Space of Entire Sequences Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 25(11):1181-1184 November 1994
2. The fractional metric dimension of graphs Discrete Mathematics. 312, 1584-1590 2012
3. Fractional Distance Domination in Graphs Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 32, 449-459 2012
4. On Fractional Metric Dimension of Graphs Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 5(4) 2013
5. A Short Survey: Metric Dimension of Graphs Proceedings of the U.G.C sponsored National Conference on Modern Trends in Algebraic Graph Theory, N.S.S College, Eramallikara ISBN:978-81-925229-7-5, Page 58-69 March 2015
6. Convexity of Minimal Resolving Functions in Graphs Rational Discourse Vol. 24 No. 1 2018
7. Fractional Y-domination in Bipartite Graphs International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) 8(3) 2020
8. Universal Minimal Resolving Functions in Graphs International Journal of Mathematics and its Applications 8(1), 231-237 2020
9. The Minimal Resolving Energy of a graph International Journal of Mathematics and its Applications 8(1), 239-246 2020
10. A Note on Supercyclic Operators International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 9(4), 1962-1965 2020
11. On Hypercyclic Operators International Journal of Mathematics and Technology 66(4), 172-176 2020
12. On Minimum Resolving Energy of a Graph Aegaeum Journal 8(5), 803-810 2020