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Inauguration of Postgraduate Forum

The Postgraduate Forum was inaugurated on 10th September 2024 at CLRSC, marking a significant milestone in the academic calendar.
Dr. Susan Thomas, Head of Department, extended a warm welcome to the gathering, highlighting the objectives and vision of the Postgraduate Forum. She encouraged students to actively participate and make the most of this platform.
Dr. Neema Susan Mathews, Staff in charge, delivered the presidential address, emphasizing the importance of the Postgraduate Forum in fostering academic excellence and camaraderie among students.

Dr. Shiela Elizabeth Abraham, Former Head of Department, graced the occasion with her inaugural address. She shared her valuable insights and experiences, inspiring the students to strive for excellence in their academic pursuits.

Mr. Arin, Student Secretary, proposed the vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to the dignitaries, staff, and students for their presence and support.

The inauguration ceremony marked the beginning of a new chapter in the academic journey of the postgraduate students. The Postgraduate Forum promises to be a vibrant platform for Academic discussions, knowledge sharing, and bonding among students.