Language Laboratory
A Language Laboratory, the first fully functional one in any college in Kerala was set up in the Department in 1986 under a UGC post-graduate grant. At present, it features a fully computerized state-of-the-art laboratory of eighteen student stations boasting many additional features. For its ‘platform software,’ it employs ‘E-Langlab Passport’ originally developed for the University of California, Berkley. The learning content is added from time to time to suit our needs using our own resources. For several years, our facility and expertise were used to train the clergy of the Mar Thoma Church posted to parishes in English speaking countries.
Future plans for the language laboratory include the development of an innovative courseware called ‘Core English Language Program’ to enable Malayalam speaking students (adaptable with necessary modifications for speakers of other Indian languages too) to acquire full intelligibility while communicating with native speakers of English.