
The department offers B. Sc., M.Sc., and Ph. D. programmes in Mathematics. The department also offers complementary courses for B. Sc. Physics and Chemistry and Open Course for final year B. Sc.
Mathematics Association
The activities of the Mathematics Association were formally inaugurated by Dr K I Koshy, Former HOD of Mathematics, Kerala Agricultural University on 5th July, 2019. Novato Fiesta, a cultural programme for first-year degree and postgraduate students, was arranged on 8th August, 2019.
National Mathematics Day 2019
The department celebrated National Mathematics Day on 18th December, 2019 in connection with the birthday of the Indian legendary Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan and arranged several intercollegiate programmes viz. Prof. P O John memorial Quiz competition, Paper presentation competition, Pi value writing, Rubick’s cube challenge and puzzle-solving. Mr Amal Aby Joseph, Indhira Gandhi Institute, Kottayam won first place in the Pi value writing competition by writing the first 420 digits correctly. The department released a manuscript magazine ‘Almagest 2020’ on 27th February, 2020.
Thrust Areas of Research: Graph Theory, Mathematical Modelling, Automata Theory, Fixed Point Theory, Special Functions.
Research Guides
Number of research scholars: 09
Number of International Publications: 12
Number of National Publications: 01
Major Research Project: 01
Former Faculty
Former Faculty Members
- Elizabeth Abraham (Late) (1959 – 1971)
- C. T. John (Late) (1955 – 1974)
- Pappukunjan (Late) (1963 – 1982)
- C. Kochummen (Late) (1971-1986)
- T. K. Gopalakrishna Pillai (1964 – 1995)
- K. M. Mathew (1967 – 2000)
- A. Leelamma (1967 – 2001)
- K. J. Oommen (1968 – 2001)
- P.O. John (Late) ( 1976 – 1988)
- K. A. Aleyamma (1974 – 2003)
- Mathai Joshua (Late) (1971 – 2004)
- A. Prabhakarana Nair (1977 – 2004)
- Mathews C. John (1982 – 2013)
- Achamma Jacob (Late) (1981-2014)
- Dr. K. Jacob (1985 – 2017)
- P. G. Varghese (1985 – 2017)
- Dr. Tutu M. John (1987- 2019)
- Dr. Varughese Mathew
- Mini Thomas
Department of Statistics
- T. T. Thomas (1967 – 2000)
- Maherswariamma S (1982 – 2014)
1. Prof. Manesh Jacob, Certificate of appreciation for Best NSS Programme Officer in MG University for the year 2019-20. |
2. Prof. Manesh Jacob, FLAIR programme of the Higher Education Department of Kerala during the year 2018-19. |
Student Achievements |
University Rank Holders |
Veena S (10th Rank – PG 2021) |
Sneha S Nair (10th Rank – PG 2020) |
Renjini R (10th Rank – PG 2019) |
Angel Susan Varghese (5th Rank – UG 2019) |
Jasmine T Zachariah (9th rank – UG 2019) |
Overall A+ Holders |
Akhila V. S. (PG – 2021) |
Aswathy Ajith Kumar (PG – 2019) |
Apurva Sethunath (UG – 2021) |
Nikhitha Mariam Chacko (UG – 2021) |
Eapen Zacharia Mathews (UG – 2021) |
Mahima Elizabeth Mathew (UG – 2021) |
Ance Varghese (UG – 2020) |
Anju Mary Kurian (UG – 2020) |
Arundhathi S Rajan (UG – 2020) |
Jereena Saro James (UG – 2020) |
Sruthimol K S (UG – 2020) |
Martina Marium Sajan (UG – 2020) |
T Avani Haridas (UG – 2021) |
Hannah Susan Mathew (UG – 2021) |
Divya R Nair (UG – 2019) |
Anjana M G (UG – 2019) |
Aswathy S (UG – 2019) |
Lintu Joseph (UG – 2019) |
- Hrishi Govid , 3rd BSc. –Senior under officer, Participated in the NCC National camp in Rajasthan during the year 2020-2021
- Miss Angel Mariam Jacob,2nd BSc obtained first position in all Kerala intercollegiate elocution competition conducted by Department of Mathematics, St. Aloysius College, Edathua, during the year 2020-2021
- Ajesh George Zachariah, III BSc. Mathematics won the award for Best Physique MG University during the year 2019-20
Julia T Thomas (CSIR-UGC NET 2018) |
Nikhila S (CSIR-UGC NET 2019) |