National Cadet Corps (NCC)
The NCC in India was formed under the National Cadet Corps Act of 1948. It is the youth wing of the Armed Forces with its headquarters at New Delhi, which is open to school and college students on a voluntary basis. National Cadet Corps is a Tri-Services Organisation, comprising the Army, Navy and Air Wing, engaged in grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades. The NCC aims at developing character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, the spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service amongst young citizens. Further, it aims at creating a pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with leadership qualities in all walks of life, who will serve the Nation regardless of which career they choose. Needless to say, the NCC also provides an environment conducive to motivating young Indians to join the armed forces.
Mar Thoma College Tiruvalla runs the Army Wing of NCC since 1954. Our unit comes under 15 Kerala Battalion, Tiruvalla, Kottayam group and Kerala & Lakshadweep Directorate. There are 160 vacancies in the NCC unit in which selection is done by the Commanding officer of the 15 Kerala Battalion. The Cadets will undergo a minimum of five hours of training per week and attend an annual training camp of 10 days duration in the second and third year. Cadets who have the required attendance to their credit and have shown sufficient progress can appear for B and C Certificate Examinations conducted by the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, at the end of the second and the third years of training respectively. Cadets are under no obligation to undertake active service but those cadets who have passed B and C certificate examinations will be given preference for joining the armed forces. Since its formation in 1954, the college NCC unit had a brilliant track record of glorious achievements all the way. This Unit has produced outstanding cadets who have brought laurel to the college and even to the nation. Our NCC cadets participated in Republic Day Camps, Thal Sainik Camps, Army Attachment camps, Advance Leadership Camps, National Integration camps and other national level camps. It indeed a matter of great pride that in its 66 years of existence, the unit has produced five commissioned officers and more than 50 non-commissioned officers. Grace marks are awarded to NCC Candidate at the time of PG/ Professional degree admission and in the semester examination. Seats are reserved for NCC Cadets in the uniform services. Lt. Raison Sam Raju is the present associate NCC officer. He selected as the all India Best NCC officer of 2019, the first one from Kerala, and received the Defence Minister Medal, which is the highest award in NCC.
Best Unit Award
NCC unit of the MarThoma College selected as the Best NCC Unit in the Kottayam Group for the year 2019-20.

Dr. Varughese Mathew, Principal, Mar Thoma College Tiruvalla and NCC officer
Lt. Raison Sam Raju, Associate NCC Officer receiving the Best NCC Unit Award from Group Commander Brig. Sunil Kumar G R.
Best ANO Award
Lt. Raison Sam Raju selected as the Best Associate NCC Officer in the NCC Kottayam group comprising of Colleges under M G University for the second consecutive year.

NCC officer Lt. Raison Sam Raju, Associate NCC Officer receiving the Best NCC Officer Award from Group Commander Brig. Sunil Kumar G R.
Period: 01 June To 13-07-2021
- Blood Donors day 2021.
NCC unit of Mar Thoma College Tiruvalla organised a Blood donation drive on 14-06-2021 in association with TMM Hospital Tiruvalla.15 cadets donated blood. Col. M S Sachdev (Commanding Officer of 15 Kerala Bn. NCC Tiruvalla) inaugurated the event.
- World Environment Day Celebration 2021
NCC Unit of Mar Thoma College celebrated World Environment Day on 05 June, 2021. Smt. Bindhu Jayakumar, Chairperson, Tiruvalla Municipality inaugurated the event. Retired Teachers of 2020-21 planted trees on the college campus.15 cadets participated in the event. Online photography competitions were also organised as part of the celebration.
NCC unit of Mar Thoma College Tiruvalla celebrated International Yoga Day on 21 June 2021 by organising an invited talk on “Common Yoga Protocols” Dr. Nigi Manoj, HOD of the Physical Education department, inaugurated the event. Yogacharya. Sudeesh Kumar N, Director – Pytric School of Yoga Tiruvalla (yoga consultant and Therapist) served as the resource person.
MOBILE DONATION NCC unit donated 14mobile phones to poor students in college to access online class. Smt. Bindhu Jayakumar, Chairperson, Tiruvalla Municipality inaugurated the event.
- Webinar on “Decoding Defence Career, for Graduates”
NCC organised a webinar on “Decoding Defence Career, for Graduates” on 30-06-2021 to create awareness on career opportunities in defence. Brig.M D Chacko, Former Deputy Director General Army, served as the resource person.
NCC unit prepared 300 bottles of sanitizers in association with Post graduation and Research Department of Chemistry of Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla immediately after the first case reported in Pathanamthitta District. We are the first in India to prepare sanitizers in NCC label. NCC distributed sanitizers to Police Department in Tiruvalla. MLA of Tiruvalla constituency Adv. Mathew T Thomas inaugurated the programme by handing over the sanitizers to Tiruvalla Circle Inspector Sri. P R Santhosh on 18-03-2020.
NCC unit of MarThoma College Tiruvalla, under 15 Kerala Tiruvalla, distributed 1000 masks, stitched by the NCC cadets, to ward No.8, of Tiruvalla Municipality.1000 masks distributed to the complete houses of Ward No-08, where the college belongs on 25-05-2020.Adv. Mathew T Thomas, MLA of Tiruvalla Legislative Assembly inaugurated the distribution by handing over the masks to Smt. Santhamma Mathews, Municipal Ward Councillor.NCC cadets also donated 500 Masks to the Pathanamthitta district administration. Sri. R Jayakumar, Municipal Chairman, Tiruvalla declared war NO.08 as “Complete Mask Ward”

NCC unit of MarThoma College Tiruvalla donated vegetables worth Rs.10000 to the Community kitchen operated by Tiruvalla municipality. Vegetables were cultivated by the cadets during the lockdown period and also collected from the neighbouring houses. Principal Dr. Icy K John handed over the vegetables to Mr. R Jayakumar, Municipal Chairman on 13-05-2020.

National Dengue Day Celebration
NCC Unit of Mar Thoma College observed National Dengue Day on 17 May 2020. Cadets cleaned the Roads and Public Places.
World Environment day Celebrations June 05, 2020
NCC Unit of MarThoma College celebrated World Environment Day on 05 June 2020.Retired Teachers of 2019-20 planted trees on the college campus.
TV Donation to Public Library
NCC unit of MarThoma College Tiruvalla donated TV and Books to the EMS memorial library situated in Mukkada SC colony. Principal Dr.Varghese Mathew handed over the TV and Books to Panchayat President Dr. Gopalakrisha Kuruppu.TV will help students in colonies to access online classes.
Yoga Day Celebration 2020
NCC unit of MarThoma College Tiruvalla celebrated International Yoga Day on 21 June 2020. Brig. Sunil Kumar inaugurated the celebration.
Blood Donation
NCC unit of MarThoma college Tiruvalla organised a Blood donation drive as a tribute to Army brave hearts on 19/06/2020.
Tablet Donation
NCC donated an amount to buy one tablet towards the Scheme for Digitally Needy – (SDN) started by the College Principal Dr.Varughese Mathew. Col. Sanjay Baveja, Commanding officer of 15 Kerala Battalion handed over the amount to the college principal. NCC also arranged a data recharge facility for needy students.
One-day webinar on the topic “Fit India – Adherence to physical activity – A psychological Approach”.
NCC unit of MarThoma College Tiruvalla organized one day webinar on the topic “Fit India – Adherence to physical activity – A psychological Approach”. The webinar was organised as part of the Fit India Movement / Fit India Freedom Run.Padmashri.Anju Bobby George inaugurated the webinar. Dr.Augustine George delivered the keynote address.
Gandhi Jayanti
NCC unit of MarThoma College Tiruvalla celebrated Gandhi Jayanti by cleaning Amar Jawan Park in Tiruvalla. Mr.R Jayakumar, Honourable Municipal Chairman, inaugurated the Gandhi Jayanti celebration.
National Unity Day Celebration
NCC unit of MarThoma College celebrated National Unity Dy by organizing a webinar on “New India – New Challenges. To unity and peace. Col. M S Sachdev inaugurated the webinar.
NCC Day Celebration 2020
NCC unit of MarThoma College celebrated the National NCC Day celebration by donating food to the poor patients in Govt Hospital Tiruvalla. Lt. Col. Thomas Varghese, Administrative Officer inaugurated the Annadhanam.
Chief Minister Scholarship
SUO. Jyothilekshmi and SGT. Joshua received the Chief Minister Scholarship for the Best NCC Cadets in Kerala.

The academic year 2019-’20 was an exciting year for National Cadet Corps, MT college unit as it was saturated with very many programmes, camps, and other events. Lt. Raison Sam Raju, Assistant Professor in Commerce and Company Commander of this NCC unit has led the unit this academic year with a lot of activities apart from routine under the able commandership of Col. Sanjay Baveja, Commanding Officer, 15 (Kerala) Bn. The commanding officer and staff of 15 (K) Bn. NCC was kind enough to pay special attention and care to Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla unit in all its activities and programmes.
Sl. No | Name of the Cadet | Activity |
1 | U/O. Abin Reji | Gold Medal in All India Thal Sainik Camp Delhi |
2 | Sgt. Treesa C A | Gold Medal in All India Thal Sainik Camp Delhi |
3 | Sgt. Phoebe Sara Cherian | Participated in the Pre TSC I |
4 | Sgt. Jyothi Lekshmi R | Participated in the Pre RDC I |
- 11 cadets were selected for the National “Ek Bharath Sreshta Bharath Camp” held at Rajasthan.
- 01 cadet selected for the Special National Integration Camp held in Port Blair.
- 02 Cadets selected for the All India Trekking Camp.
- Selected as the Republic Day Parade contingent officer of Kerala & Lakshadweep Directorate.
- Received Best ANO award for the year 2018-19
- Nominated as the Best ANO from the state level to the national level for the contribution to Swachh Bharath programmes.
- Champions in RDC and TSC segments in Inter Unit Competitions of 15 Kerala Battalion NCC.
- Best unit in 15 Kerala Battalion NCC.
- Conducted first official NCC alumni meet in 2019 Jan 26.Col. Nandhakumar inaugurated the meeting.
- NCC conducted a Silent rally from college to Thiruvalla and a condolences meeting to pay tribute to brave jawans who were martyred in Pulwana on 15th February 2019.
- Organized World water day Celebration 2019 by NCC on 22 March 2019.Dr.Icy K John Inaugurated the programme. Poster Presentation, water for birds were conducted as part of the world water day celebration.
- Conducted Polio immunization program in association with Government Hospital Thiruvalla on 10,11,12 March -2019.
- NCC Merit day was organized on 08 March 2019.Adv.Mathew T Thomas MLA inaugurated the event.
- Cleaning Awareness and cleaning program conducted at Thiruvalla Railway Station in association with Kerala Development Society programme on 04-05-2019.Adv.Mathew T Thomas MLA inaugurated the program. Cadets cleaned the Railway Station and distributed pamphlets.
- Conducted Pre-monsoon Cleaning drive in association with Thiruvalla municipality and district ശുചിത്വSub collector Dr.Vinay Giyal IAS inaugurated the event.
- Celebrated World environment day, International day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, International Yoga Day, world blood donation day, Gandhi Jayanthi,
- Conducted Monsoon diseases awareness camp in association with Primary health center Kuttapuzha on 28 th June 2019. College principal Dr.Icy K John inaugurated the awareness Campaign. senior health inspector Mr.B Santhosh Kumar delivered the Keynote address. Municipal ward councilor smt.Shanthamma facilitated the meeting.Cadets visited all houses in Kuruvathazham, Platharakkonam, Veezhakombil region near to Kaviyoor Punja and distributed awareness notices, Lotion and cleaning materials
- NCC and NSS directly visited and distributed food kits in various tribal colonies with the help of Nilambur police, including Agambadom, Mannakodu, Mullepoadam, Muthuvan SC colony, Muthuvan ST colony, Athikadu, Athikkadu Patham Colony etc, in which most of them was Maoist vulnerable areas.
- NCC observed Swachhatha Hi Sewa Week as part of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.NCC cadets cleaned the municipal park, Railway Station, KSTRC, PHC, college, public roads and conducted various competitions and invited lectures on topic cleanliness.
- NCC day was celebrated by donating one-day food to poor patients in Govt. Hospital Thiruvalla. Col. Sanjay Baveja inaugurated the event.