Stop Violence Against Women, Empowering Gender Equality and Justice
The SCM unit of Mar Thoma College Tiruvalla and YWCA Tiruvalla jointly organised an invited talk on “Stop Violence Against Women, Empowering Gender Equality and Justice” on August 27 at 12:45 PM in the college chapel. The speaker was Prof. Deenamma Zachariah, former faculty, Department of History at Mar Thoma College Tiruvalla and a member of YWCA.The meeting was presided over by Dr. Mathew Varkey T.K., Principal of Mar Thoma College Tiruvalla. Mrs. Elizabeth Petsi Varghese, President of YWCA Tiruvalla, gave an introductory talk. SCM representative Ms. Liya Elizabeth Libin also spoke at the event. SCM members handed over the signature document collected as part of their protest against violence against women to the YWCA members. A pledge was taken by the gathering. SCM unit secretary Jerry John Biju welcomed the gathering. Chairperson of SCM MTC Tania proposed the vote of thanks.